If I have a VIP ticket, can I enter GA?
Those who have VIP tickets can enter the GA zone without any problem, but those who have GA will not be able to enter VIP.
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Will I be able to enter the 3 stages with a GA ticket?
Yes, the GA, VIP or Ultra Experience ticket gives you access to all stages. The difference between each ticket is not the access to stages but the different benefits of each for each.
What kind of tickets will there be?
The ticket types are GA (General Admission), VIP and Ultra Experience.
What is the minimum age to enter?
The minimum age to attend is 18 years with no exceptions.
When will my e-tickets arrive?
For security reasons, the new policy that is being applied to the ticket office regarding the sale of e-tickets is that once the purchase has been made through its platform, the ticket will be generated and will be available to be downloaded ...
What are Tiers?
These are the phases of each ticket release (1, 2 and 3) which are activated one after the other after current tier of tickets become unavailable.